The Bountiful Harvest

We have been busy the past few weeks trying to stay ahead of our animals friends harvesting some of the corn and squash at the Intervale Center Heritage Garden and the demonstration garden at Negoni Alnobaakik. Ideally we would let the winter squash to ripen on the vine until the first frost but we picked most of the prized veggies when the woodchucks and squirrels began their late summer feast. The squirrels at the Intervale center are well stocked for the winter with Abenaki Rose, Gaspe and Calais Flint corn, but they left us plenty of seed for planting next spring and a few beautiful ears to braid. The ground cherries have been plentiful and are one delicious crop we can always count on. We are going to leave the beans in the field until they are fully dried out and rattle in the pods. It has been a blessing to spend time in the gardens these past few months, singing to the plants and learning from them.. Wliwni (thanks) to all our partners and the volunteers who helped us plant and cultivate this nourishing food throughout the spring and summer. We look forward to sharing it!


Abenaki Rose Corn


Working with Missisquoi